From the moment a child enters the world, they are filled with an innate sense of happiness and wonder. However, as they grow and navigate the world..

ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM THE FOUR MOST HARMFUL EMOTIONS? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE? (Keep reading because this will surely interest you! 😊)

The power of perspective: Tackling the four most harmful emotions

As I sipped my morning veggie juice and gazed out at the beautiful pond behind my home, accompanied by my loyal dogs, my thoughts turned to my son. It was hard to believe that he would soon be turning 20 years old, and I found myself reminiscing about all the beautiful memories I had made since becoming a mother.

At the same time, I was reflecting on the many women I had helped in my hypnotherapy practice. So many of them had suffered in silence since childhood at the hands of their own mothers, and it struck me that we continue to perpetuate the chains of pain from generation to generation because we fail to address and confront the very harmful emotions created by toxic mother trauma…

From the moment a child enters the world, they are filled with an innate sense of happiness and wonder. However, as they grow and navigate the world around them, they will inevitably experience pain and hurt. When a child gets hurt, the first major emotion that arises is sadness. This is a natural response to let the child know that something is not right and that they need to take care of themselves.

If the hurt persists, then fear sets in. Fear is a necessary emotion that helps us avoid danger and protect ourselves from harm. It is an instinctual response that arises when we realize that something can truly hurt us, and it makes sense to be afraid of that hurt. However, in some cases, when the hurt is severe enough, fear can develop right away.

Over time, if the hurt and fear are not resolved, this leads to anger. Anger is an emotional response to destroy that which is hurting us. It is a natural defense mechanism that helps us protect ourselves and assert our boundaries. However, when anger is not expressed or resolved, it can lead to resentment and bitterness, which can be toxic to our mental and emotional well-being.

Because these emotions are often undesirable for our mothers, and because it could be the mothers themselves which cause our pain, these emotions usually end up suppressed through the emotion of guilt. Guilt is a powerful emotion that arises when we feel that we have done something wrong or when we believe that we are responsible for someone else's pain or suffering. It is an emotion that can weigh heavily on us, and if left unchecked, it can lead to depression and anxiety.

While the development of our emotions is a complex topic, in the Thrive After Toxic Mother Trauma Mastermind, our focus is primarily on hurt/sadness, fear, anger, and guilt. By addressing and resolving these emotions, women who have been dealing with dysfunctional mother-daughter relationships will experience a transformation from pain and suffering to peace, joy, love, and compassion. With my guidance, the attendees will learn to navigate their emotions and find a sense of inner peace and fulfillment that allows them to thrive in all areas of their life.

🔥 If you are interested in making 2023 YOUR YEAR to turn your pain into POWER, if you want to truly transform your life in the next 8 weeks and if you want to join the Thrive After Toxic Mother Trauma Mastermind with me then let’s meet on zoom and we’ll have a chat to see whether this might be a good fit for you and to see whether I think I can get you the results that you are looking for.

This is what I need to know to determine if it’s a good fit, so feel free to include this info in your initial message to me:

  1. Whether you are a Mom or Mom to-to-be who have been dealing with dysfunctional mother-daughter relationships looking to transform your life and prioritize your own needs.
  2. Whether you consider yourself to be a real action taker How long have you been practicing?
  3. Your current and desired goals How you think this Mastermind program is going to help you.

If you are not sure whether this is for you or not, I would encourage you to send me a DM (on messenger) or let’s drink some tea together while we talk here

Only around one in three people I speak with are a good fit for my 1:1 or for this Mastermind and that can be for many reasons, so don’t worry too much if this is not a fit for you.

For some people I tell them what they need to do to get themselves into a position to work with me so it's really worth us just having a conversation…

For others e.g. where there are current violence or abuse or substance misuse issues for example, then my mastermind is less likely to be a fit depending on the individual circumstances and the situation.

I look forward to learning all about you!

Many thanks Monica xx

“The many faces of an unloving mother can shape the way you go through life — but that shouldn’t define you.”

💌 PS: I am currently offering a $1000 off the joining price for the Thrive After (Toxic Mother) Trauma Mastermind plus a bonus if you join before April 5th 2023.

#toxicmotherdaughter #toxicfamily #prosperity #selfimprovement #narcissisticabusesurvivor